Saturday, February 18, 2012

Double Exposures and Overlapping

So a great feature of the Diana Mini is you can easily make double exposures and overlap your images. I did it by accident in the beginning because I didn't read the manual. With the Diana Mini you can take a double exposure really easily. There is actually nothing stopping you from taking a double exposure every time. So if you forget to wind the film forward, you can continue to shoot over the same frame over and over and over! And also, if you don't advance the film all the way to the next frame there is nothing stopping you from taking another exposure, thus overlapping your images.

That is just the begining of the fun though. Cause with the Diana Mini you have the option to shoot in a square format or a vertical rectangular format. And if you don't shoot a blank frame in between when switching formats you'll get overlapping. So really if you don't think about what you are doing, each and every time you shoot, you can accidentally get overlapping or a double exposure!

Now that I've gotten used to how the camera works I want to use those techniques artistically. That being said, these ones aren't that fantastic but I wanted to show them off any way.

Double exposure of Leah eating apple sauce.

Double exposure of Aidan and his train set.

Double exposure of Aidan and I.

Pancakes overlapping the parking lot across the street.

Aidan in two different chairs.

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